Space in Marylebone is currently closed, but we are accepting provisional bookings for later in the year. Munch in Marylebone is now open for catering orders.


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About Us


Made in Marylebone

Made in Marylebone is a social enterprise, run by the Marylebone Project.

Our mission is to equip the women at the Marylebone Project with the skills and training needed for employment. We offer workshops and courses in hospitality and catering, as well as volunteering opportunities in our professional kitchen.

All profits are reinvested into providing further opportunities for our women and supporting the work of The Marylebone Project.

We are one social enterprise, with two distinct arms; Space in Marylebone and Munch in Marylebone.


Space in Marylebone 

Space in Marylebone offers three versatile meeting rooms in the heart of central London. We provide a professional and personal service, tailored to meet your needs.

We provide opportunities for the women at the Marylebone Project to learn customer service skills, by running courses and offering volunteering opportunities. 


Munch in Marylebone 

Our catering business, Munch in Marylebone, provides delicious homemade food for lunches and events in London. Our food is freshly prepared by our professional chef and a team of women from the project.

We provide opportunities for the women at the Marylebone Project to gain catering skills and qualifications, by volunteering in our Munch kitchen and taking part in our catering programme and classes. 

Visit or email for more details!


The Marylebone Project

We are a part of The Marylebone Project; the largest women-only homelessness service in London. The charity provides a life-changing service, responsive to the specific needs of homeless women through a Drop-in Day Centre and the provision of c.40,000 nights of accommodation every year. The Project is thrilled to be part of the Evening Standard's 'Homeless Fund' campaign, with our vision being to extend our Drop-in Centre operation to a 24/7 service. 

For more information on the work of the Marylebone Project, visit our website